I haven’t started the program yet, but the tension is building. I think the only thing I’ve eaten today that wasn’t on the program was two small chocolate Easter eggs one of my coworkers was handing around at our noon meeting. Aside from that I’ve been good.
Breakfast this morning was a bowl of muesli. I think that’s pretty close to being on the program, though I haven’t purchased skim milk yet, and I did add a bit of sweetened yogurt. Also, the muesli does have banana chips in it, which are a definite no no. But…. hey, I’m not ON the program yet. I think that starts tomorrow.
Lunch was our standard chicken and leftovers soup. I think that was all okay. Very low fat, lots of vegetables.
Dinner was a crock pot stew. I had half a pig heart, potatoes, mushrooms, and tiny bit of tomato. All of it delicious. The only questionable part as far as the program goes is: Can I call a pig heart “lean meat”. I’ll have to do some research on that. It certainly seems lean.
This evening my wife, Ruth, and I put my measuring tape and scales to work. We took each other’s pictures and measurements. It’s so great to have a partner who supports my ideas and efforts.
I’m weighing in at 109.6 kg. That’s 241.63 Lbs.
Circumference at the belly button 120cm = 47.24 inches
Hips 115cm = 45.28 inches
chest at nipples 115cm = 45.28 inches
right thigh 65.5cm = 25.79 inches
neck 43cm = 16.93 inches
right arm 37.5 cm = 14.76 inches
Expect some pretty gross pictures soon. For now I need to think about how I’m going to organize this site so that comparisons are easy.
Okay, I’ve had a chance to look at and resize the pictures. I’ve also realized that I’m not posting the ones in my boxer shorts. Too gross. Reality is a pain sometimes. Until I took there pictures I could maintain the delusion that I still looked okay, even naked. That’s over. I’m gross. I’m old and gross. So here’s the ugly news:
Honestly, I look at these pictures and despair. It’s so hard to believe that any substantial improvement is going to happen. But here I go. I bought two big bottles of water today. Tomorrow I’m on the program. Damn it all anyway.